Star Signs

Ruling Planet: Mars     



"The Ram"

Short Summary

Aries are reckless and determined. Nothing will stand in their way if they can help it, including people. They've got heaps of physical energy and are very competitive. They have to come first in everything. If they don't, they'll let you know what a bad loser they are. Never tell an Aries they're wrong either. They become dangerous. They make fantastic mates, great leaders and good politicians. They like to supervise and organize more than actually working. Never ignore this sign as their ego will be severely deflated and that's not a pretty sight. It's not all bad - they're friendly, kind and generous and certainly cute to a sagittarian!

Long Summary

Aries can get anything they want off the ground, but they may land back down again with a bump. Quick to think and act, Arians are often intelligent and have little patience with fools. This includes anyone who is slower than them.

They are not the tidiest of people and they are impatient with details, except when engaged upon their special subject; then Arians can fiddle around for hours. They are willing to make huge financial sacrifices for their families and they can put up with relatives living with them as long as this leaves them free to do their own thing. Aries women are decisive and competitive at work but many are disinterested in home making.

Highly sexed and experimental, they are faithful while in love but, if love begins to fade, they start to look around. Arians may tell themselves that they are only looking for amusement, but they may end up in a fulfilling relationship with someone else's partner. This kind of situation offers the continuity and emotional support, which they need with no danger of boredom or entrapment.

Their faults are those of impatience and impetuosity, coupled with a hot temper. They can pick a furious row with a supposed adversary, tear him or her to pieces then walk away from the situation five minutes later, forgetting all about it. Unfortunately, the poor victim can't always shake offthe effects of the row in quite the same way. However, Arian cheerfulness, spontaneous generosity and kindness make them the greatest friends to have.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Leo, Sagittarius

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Gemini, Aquarius

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Virgo, Scorpio

Learn From Your Differences:

Pisces, Taurus

Not Your Destiny:

Cancer, Capricorn

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Neptune     

"A Pair of Fish"

Short Summary

Pisceans are extremely psychic and can amaze people with their uncanny ability to predict things. They are usually gifted in anything creative from designing to music. They are also very clever when they want to be. They have the most stunning eyes and that's the first thing that attracts the opposite sex. They are probably the first ones to start a rumour and could find it a bit tough to keep a secret. They are everyone's friend so can be a touch easily led because fish have no backbones. In other words they can't say 'no'. Pisceans like quiet places and beautiful surroundings and probably wouldn't thank you for giving them a surprise party.

Long Summary

This idealistic, dreamy, kind and impractical sign needs a lot of understanding. They have a fractured personality that has so many sides and so many moods that they probably don't even understand themselves. Nobody is more kind, thoughtful and caring but they have a tendency to drift away from people and responsibilities. When the going gets rough, they get going! Being creative, clever and resourceful, these people can achieve a great deal and really reach the top but few of them do. Some Pisceans have a self-destruct button which they press before reaching their goal. Others do achieve success and the motivating force behind this essentially spiritual and mystical sign is often money. Many Pisceans feel insecure, most suffer some experience of poverty at some time in their early lives and they grow into adulthood determined that they will never feel that kind of uncertainty again.Pisceans are at home in any kind of creative or caring career. Many can be found in teaching, nursing and the arts. Some find life hard and are often unhappy; many have to make tremendous sacrifices on behalf of others. This may be a pattern that repeats itself from childhood, where the message is that the Piscean's needs always come last.

These people can be stubborn, awkward, selfish and quite nasty when a friendship or relationship goes sour. This is because, despite their basically kind and gentle personality, there is a side which needs to be in charge of any relationship. Pisceans make extremely faithful partners as long as the romance doesn't evaporate and their partners treat them well. Problems occur if they are mistreated or rejected, if they become bored or restless of if their alcohol intake climbs over the danger level. The Piscean lover is a sexual fantasist, so in this sphere of life, anything can happen.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Cancer, Scorpio

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Taurus, Capricorn

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Leo, Libra

Learn From Your Differences:

Aries, Aquarius

Not Your Destiny:

Gemini, Sagittarius

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Venus     

"The Bull"

Short Summary

Taureans are easy to understand. What you see is what you get. They also like to own everything, mostly food. They'll even own what's on another person's plate because their stomachs are very important. They never do anything quickly. You'll never catch a Taurus making a snap decision. They also hate change, especially in a relationship because they're very loyal. Taureans are extremely attractive and creative...They love flowers, music and the opera. They are the best mates you'll ever have.

Long Summary

These people are practical and persevering. Taureans are solid and reliable, regular in habits, sometimes a bit wet behind the ears and stubborn as mules. Their love of money and the comfort it can bring may make them very materialistic in outlook. They are most suited to a practical career that brings with it a few surprises and plenty of money. However some Taureans, have a strong artistic streak which can be expressed in work, hobbies and interests.Some Taureans are quick and clever, highly amusing and quite outrageous in appearance but underneath this crazy exterior is a background of true talent and very hard work. This type may be a touch arrogant. Other Taureans hate to be rushed or hassled, preferring to work quietly and thoroughly at their own pace. They take relationships very seriously and make safe and reliable partners. They may keep their worries to themselves but they are not usually liars or sexually untrustworthy.

Being so very sensual as well as patient, these people make excellent lovers. Their biggest downfall comes later in life when they have a tendency to plonk themselves down in front of the television night after night, tuning out the rest of the world. Another problem with some Taureans is their 'pet hate', which they'll harp on about at any given opportunity. Their virtues are common sense, loyalty, responsibility and a pleasant, non-hostile approach to others. Taureans are much brighter than anyone gives them credit and it is hard to beat them in an argument because they usually know what they're talking about. If a Taurean is on your side, they make wonderful friends and comfortable and capable colleagues.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Virgo, Capricorn

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Cancer, Pisces

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Libra, Sagittarius

Learn From Your Differences:

Aries, Gemini

Not Your Destiny:

Leo, Aquarius

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Saturn     

"The Water Bearer"

Short Summary

Firstly, you can't tell an Aquarian anything - they already know! In fact, they are the know-alls of the zodiac. They are original, inventive and very smart. They are very peculiar in the way they dress. Wearing footy(football) socks with a suit could be quite normal! They are nearly always late arriving anywhere because time means nothing. The telephone is their lifeline so they would rather ring their next-door neighbour than fraternise over the fence. They are so friendly even the dog down the street will find its way to the Aquarian house...and stay.

Long Summary

Clever, friendly, kind and humane, Aquarians are the easiest people to make friends with but probably the hardest to really know. They are often more comfortable with acquaintances than with those who are close to them. Being dutiful, they would never let a member of their family go without their basic requirements, but they can be strangely, even deliberately, blind to their underlying needs and real feelings. They are more comfortable with causes and their idealistic ideas than with the day-to-day routine of family life. Their homes mat reflect this lack of interest by being rather messy, although there are other Aquarians who are formed early in life and are firmly fixed.Being patient with people, make them good teachers, and are always willing to learn something new. But are they willing to go out and earn a living? Some are, many are not. These people can be extremely eccentric in the way they dress or the way they live. They make a point of being 'different' and they can usually feel very unsettled and uneasy if made to conform, even outwardly. Their restless, skeptical minds mean that they need an alternate kind of lifestyle which stretches them mentally.

In relationships, they are surprisingly constant and faithful and they only stray when they know in their hearts that there is no longer anything to be gained from staying put. Aquarians are often very attached to the first real commitment in their lives and they can even re-marry a previously divorced partner. Their sexuality fluctuates, perhaps peaking for some years then pushed aside while something else occupies their energies, then high again. Many Aquarians are extremely highly sexed and very clever and active in bed.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Gemini, Libra

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Aries, Sagittarius

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Cancer, Virgo

Learn From Your Differences:

Capricorn, Pisces

Not Your Destiny:

Taurus, Scorpio

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Mercury     

"The Twins"

Short Summary

Gemini's have amazing brains. They store data like you wouldn't believe. Lots of people think they talk garbage but this is because their minds move faster than their mouth. Gemini's are generous, affectionate and impulsive and hate hanging around. Boredom and relaxing frightens them. If they're not on the move they go mad. They are great with kids because they never grow up themselves. If you have a Gemini friend, life will never be dull. They love to be respected; this is pretty hard because they're so changeable. In fact, they are often prone to losing their train of thought mid sentence. They're practical jokers too, but can get aggravated if someone turns the trick on them.

Long Summary

Gemini's are often accused of being short on intellect and unable to stick to anyone or anything for long. In a nutshell, great fun at a party but totally unreliable. This is unfair...nobody works harder, is more reliable or capable than Gemini's when they put their mind to a task, especially if there is a chance of making large sums of money! Unfortunately, they have a low boredom threshold and can drift away from something or someone when it no longer interests them. They like to be busy with plenty of variety in their lives and the opportunity to communicate with others. Their forte lies in the communications industry where they shamelessly pinch ideas and improve on them. Many Gemini's are highly ambitious people who won't allow anything or anyone to stand in their path.

They are surprisingly constant in relationships, often marrying for life but if it doesn't work out, they will walk out and put the experience behind them. Gemini's need relationships and if one fails, they will soon start looking for the next. Faithfulness is another story however, because the famous Gemini curiosity can lead to any number of adventures. Gemini's educate their children well while neglecting to see whether they have a clean shirt. The house is full of books, videos, televisions, CD's, newspapers and magazines and there's a phone in every room!

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Libra, Aquarius

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Aries, Leo

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Scorpio, Capricorn

Learn From Your Differences:

Taurus, Cancer

Not Your Destiny:

Virgo, Pisces

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Saturn     

"The Goat

Short Summary

Capricorns are lucky. They are the ones who look younger as they get older. They are very attractive and neat and once they get over their shyness they are quite aggressive. They can be trusted to keep a secret and are really great in emergencies. Sometimes they are a little bit impulsive but as their intuition is pretty strong, they usually make the right decisions. They're creative, sensitive and patient. On a bad day they can be jealous, selfish and moody. They are very close to their family and are usually the last ones to leave home.

Long Summary

Capricorns are patient, realistic and responsible and they take life seriously. They need security but they may find this difficult to achieve. Many live on a treadmill of work, simply to pay the bills and feed the kids. They will never shun family responsibilities, even caring for distant relatives if this becomes necessary. However, they can play the martyr while doing so. These people hate coarseness, they are easily embarrassed and they hate to annoy anyone. Capricorns believe fervently in keeping the peace in their families. This doesn't mean that they cannot stand up for themselves, indeed they know how to get their own way and they won't be bullied. They are adept at using charm to get around prickly people.

Capricorns are ambitious, hard working, patient and status-conscious and they will work their way steadily towards the top in any organisation. If they run their own businesses, they need a partner with more pizzazz to deal with sales and marketing for them while they keep an eye on the books. Their nit-picking habits can infuriate others and some have a tendency to 'know best' and not to listen. These people work at their hobbies with the same kind of dedication that they put into everything else. They are faithful and reliable in relationships and it takes a great deal to make them stray. If a relationship breaks up, they take a long time to get over it. They may marry very early or delay it until middle age when they are less shy. As an earth sign, Capricorns are highly sexed but they need to be in a relationship where they can relax and gain confidence. Their best attribute is their genuine kindness and their wonderfully dry, witty sense of humour.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Taurus, Virgo

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Scorpio, Pisces

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Gemini, Leo

Learn From Your Differences:

Sagittarius, Aquarius

Not Your Destiny:

Aries, Libra

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Moon     

"The Crab"

Short Summary

Cancers are cute. They pretend to be tough but it's all an act. They have great memories and lots of them are good at history. They love anything old, like museums, antiques and your grandmother. They are fairly secretive and hide things - food in their drawers and cupboards for instance. They stay pretty close to home, are extremely psychic, have a great sense of humour and are the world's best cooks. They collect things. Other people call this garbage but to them it's'd never find a Cancerian throwing a garage sale.

Long Summary

Cancerians look for security on the one hand and adventure and novelty on the other. They are popular because they really listen to what others are saying. Their own voices are attractive too. They are naturals for sales work and in any kind of advisory capacity. Where their own problems are concerned, they can disappear inside themselves and brood, which makes it hard for others to understand them. Cancerians spend a good deal of time worrying about their families and, even more so, about money. They appear soft but are hard to influence.Many Cancerians are small traders and many more work in teaching or in the caring professions. They have a feel for history, perhaps collecting historical mementoes, and their memories are excellent. They need to have a home but they love traveling away from it, being happy in the knowledge that it is there waiting for them to come back to. There are few Cancerians who seem to drift through life and expect other members of their family to keep them.

Romantically, they prefer to be settled and they fear being alone. A marriage would need to be really bad before they consider leaving and if they do, they soon look for a new partner. These people can be scoundrels in business because they hate parting with money once they have their hands on it. However, their charm and intelligence usually manage to get them out of trouble.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Scorpio, Pisces

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Taurus, Virgo

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Sagittarius, Aquarius

Learn From Your Differences:

Gemini, Leo

Not Your Destiny:

Aries, Libra

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Jupiter     

"The Centaur"

Short Summary

Sagittarians are fun loving, generous and extremely friendly. They very rarely tell lies, in fact they're so open about everything, the whole world knows what they're up to. They have marvellous intuitions that they should take notice of. They're pretty clever because they're so interested in everything. They can be a bit rude but that's only because they're very honest and will say exactly what they think. They love travel, fast cars and horse riding. They also love spending money, so a credit card should be avoided.

Long Summary

Sagittarians are great company because they are interested in everything and everyone. Broad-minded and lacking in prejudice, they are fascinated by even the strangest of people. With their optimism and humour, they are often the life and soul of the party, while they are in a good mood. They can become quite downhearted, crabby and awkward on occasion, but not usually for long. They can be hurtful to others because they cannot resist speaking what they see as the truth, even if it causes embarrassment. However, their tactlessness is usually innocent and they have no desire to hurt.

Sagittarians need an unconventional lifestyle, preferable one that allows them to travel. They cannot be cooped up in a cramped environment and they need to meet new people and to explore a variety of ideas during theirs days work. Money is not their god - they will work for a pittance if they feel inspired by the task. Their values are spiritual rather than material. Many are attracted to the spiritual side of life and may be interested in the church, philosophy, astrology and other new age subjects. Higher education and legal matters attract them because they need to feel free and unfettered but they can do well with a self-sufficient and independent partner. Despite all this intellectualism and need for freedom, Sagittarians have a deep need to be cuddled and touched and they need to be supported emotionally.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Aries, Leo

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Libra, Aquarius

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Taurus, Cancer

Learn From Your Differences:

Scorpio, Capricorn

Not Your Destiny:

Virgo, Pisces

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Sun      

"The Lion"

Short Summary

Leo's are larger than life - or so they think. Everything is "me first" and if they don't win, watch out. They have to have all the ideas. If it's a good one it's his or hers, if it's a rotten one, it's someone else's. They're very generous and extremely helpful. If you're feeling a bit low, go to a Leo for some TLC. They love expensive presents and would expect you to leave the price tag on so they can see how much you've spent. They love people and you'll rarely see a Leo by themselves. They hardly ever get moody; in fact they're pretty good tempered for a lion.

Long Summary

All Leo's have high standards and they don't like to let themselves or anyone else down. They enjoy being seen as a person of substance and status, and prefer to be in a position to help others rather than approaching them cap in hand. Leo's pride would not allow them to live or work in a situation that they consider as 'beneath' them. They are far more comfortable working in an exciting area where they can jet off to glamorous places and influence the more mundane members of planet Earth. Leo's won't stand for being treated with contempt or ridicule, but they are very aware of other people's need for dignity, so they are rarely offensive or hurtful.

Leo's can become surprisingly downhearted on occasion, but they don't usually stay depressed for long and their confidence returns fairly quickly. The thing that saves most Leo's in hard times is their joyful sense of humour.

Leo's faults include impatience and a tendency to over dramatise problems. They become irritable when things go wrong and quite sarcastic when ill, under pressure or over-tired. Leo's live in the fast lane, working and playing very hard. However they must remember to build in some rest and recovery time. They can be pushy parents because they want their children to achieve as much as they have - and exceed it. Leo's encourage their children to become independent.

Leo's are generous and kind and will do anything to help others, especially their family. They excel as a family member and enjoy keeping in touch with relatives although are not the type to cling. As a marriage partner, Leo's are very loyal and dependable, as long as they're feeling loved and at the center of the family network. It is very unlikely for Leo's to have a fling simply out of curiosity, although if they are feeling undervalued and unloved by those around them, it may lead in that direction.

Leo's love the best of everything. They love to travel to smart places and to holiday in five-star comfort. Their values are traditional and although there are a few rogue Leo's around who seem to have no standards at all, these are untypical.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Aries, Sagittarius

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Gemini, Libra

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Capricorn, Pisces

Learn From Your Differences:

Cancer, Virgo

Not Your Destiny:

Scorpio, Taurus

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Pluto     

"The Scorpion "

Short Summary

Scorpios make everyone go weak at the knees they are so utterly gorgeous. They have a brain sharper than a computer and no challenge is too difficult. They are very interesting, friendly and helpful. If you don't do something mean to a Scorpio they will be your friend for life. They have total control of everything and everyone. They are extremely jealous and will plan for weeks how to get their revenge. They make the best detectives, doctors and lawyers as nothing escapes their notice.

Long Summary

Reliable, resourceful and enduring, Scorpios seem to be the strong men and women of the zodiac. But are they really? They can be nasty at times, dishing out what they see as the truth, no matter how unwelcome. Their own feelings are sensitive and are easily hurt but they won't show any hurt or weakness in themselves to others. When they are very low or unhappy, this turns inwards, attacking their immune systems and making them ill. However they have great resilience and they bounce back in time and again from the most awful ailments.Nobody needs to love and be loved more than a Scorpio, but their partners must stand up to them because they will give anyone they don't respect a very hard time indeed. They are the most loyal and honest companions, both in personal relationships and at work. One reason for this is their hatred of change or uncertainty. Scorpios enjoy being the power behind the throne with someone else occupying the hot seat. This way, they can quietly manipulate everyone, set one against another and get exactly what they want from the situation.

Scorpio's voices are their best feature, often low, well modulated and cultured and these wonderful voices are used to the full in pleasant persuasion. These people are neither as highly sexed nor as difficult as most astrologists make out, but they do have their passions, even if these are not always for sex itself, and they like to be thought of as sexy. They love to shock and appear slightly dangerous but they also make kind-hearted and loyal friends, superb hosts and gentle people who are often very fond of animals. Great people when they are not being cruel, stingy or devious!

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Cancer, Pisces

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Virgo, Capricorn

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Aries, Gemini

Learn From Your Differences:

Libra, Sagittarius

Not Your Destiny:

Leo, Aquarius

Astrological Hell:


Ruling Planet: Mercury     

"The Virgin"

Short Summary

Virgo's are one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. People think they're fussy, critical bad tempered and picky but that's only because they want everything to be perfect. This is the sign of cleanliness, although lots of Virgo's have the grottiest bedrooms and hang their clothes on the floor. They're extremely inquisitive and have a dreadful time trying to relax. Virgo's make fantastic friends. If a minor crises pops up you can be sure the Virgo will have everything under control in 30 seconds. They are always on the move because they like to learn as much as they can before they take off again. They excel at work so they probably get all the boring jobs (the ones Leo wouldn't be seen dead doing).

Long Summary

Virgo's are highly intelligent, interested in everything and everyone and happy to be busy with many jobs and hobbies. Many have some kind of specialised knowledge and most are good with their hands. Their nit-picking ways can infuriate their colleagues. They find it hard to discuss their innermost feelings and this can make them hard to understand. In many ways, they are happier doing something practical than dealing with relationships. These people can overdo the self-sacrificial bit and make themselves martyrs to other people's impractical lifestyles. They are willing to fit in with whatever is going on and they can adjust to most things, but they mustn't neglect their own needs.Although excellent communicators and wonderfully witty conversationalists, Virgo's prefer to express their deepest feelings by actions rather than words. Most avoid touching all but very close friends and family members and they find lovey-dovey behaviour embarrassing. These people can be very highly sexed and they may use this as a way of expressing love. Virgo's are criticised a good deal as children and are often made to feel unwelcome in their childhood homes. They in turn become very critical of others and they can use this in order to wound.

Many Virgo's overcome inhibitions by taking up acting, music, cookery or sports. Acting is particularly common to this sign because it allows them to put aside their fears and take on the mantle of someone quite different. They are shy and slow to make friends but when they do accept someone, they are the loyalist, gentlest and kindest of companions. They are great company and have a wonderful sense of humour.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Taurus, Capricorn

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Cancer, Scorpio

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Aries, Aquarius

Learn From Your Differences:

Leo, Libra

Not Your Destiny:

Gemini, Sagittarius

Astrological Hell:


.Ruling Planet: Venus     

"The Scales"

Short Summary

Librans are emotionally impulsive and just love being in love. In fact they can get quite depressed if they feel unwanted. They're also known as 'Lazy Libran' because they don't like to make decisions. They're just happy to go with the flow. They're fantastically beautiful. People will do anything for them. They're affectionate and sympathetic and intensely interested in people. They love entertaining and lots of good food, which means they're forever dieting. They're also the world's biggest spenders.

Long Summary

Librans have a deceptive appearance, looking soft but being tough and quite selfish underneath. Astrological tradition tells us that this sign is dedicated to marriage but a high proportion of them prefer to remain single, particularly when a difficult relationship comes to an end. These people are great to tell secrets to because they never listen to anything properly and promptly forget whatever is said. The confusion between their desire to co-operate with others and the need for self-expression is even more evident when at work. The best job is one where they are a part of an organisation but able to take responsibility and make their own decisions.

While some Librans are shy and lacking in confidence, others are strong and determined with definite leadership qualities. All need to find a job that entails dealing with others and which does not wear out their delicate nerves. All Librans are charming, sophisticated and diplomatic, but can be confusing for others. All have a strong sense of justice and fair play but most haven't the strength to take on a determinedly lame duck. They project an image that is attractive, chosen to represent their sense of status and refinement. Being inclined to experiment sexually, they are not the most faithful of partners and even goody-goody Librans are terrible flirts.

Compatibile Star Signs

Perfect Partners:

Gemini, Aquarius

Nearly Perfect Partners:

Leo, Sagittarius

Like Minded Souls:


Opposites You're Attracted To:

Taurus, Pisces

Learn From Your Differences:

Virgo, Scorpio

Not Your Destiny:

Cancer, Capricorn

Astrological Hell:

