Season Two

Angelina Blasphemina

Full Name: Angelina Blasphemina

Favourite Colour: Black and blue

Pets: Crow - Sinister

Likes: Horror movie poster collection, bats, voodoo spells, latex Dresses , and full moon parties.

Hates: Trash talk shows, salesmen, games that involve dice and Water.

Casual Storm

Full Name: Storm O. Misery

Favourite Colour: "Still black, babe"

Pets: I just bought a wombat on the black market (just kidding authorities). Anyway, his name is Mr. Tabmow. So far we get along, he's nocturnal, as I am, so there's hope we can cohabitate peacefully."

Likes: Mr. Tabmow (so far). Walking down narrow alleys with a large umbrella during high speed wind advisories. Tea with LOTS of sugar and milk and a signed poster of Uncle Fester from the original TV series.

Hates: "The lack of creative material for movies. I'm very annoyed with all this rehashing of all the lame shows and cartoons of the past 30 years into bad sequel after bad sequel. They were marginal to start and really only good when you were sick at home from school, so why torture the general populace any longer? It makes me ill. I hate it and it sucks and please someone stop it immediately.










Suzisin Ful


Full Name: SuziSin Ful

Favourite Colour: Black satin

Pets: Praying Mantis- Father Ralph

Likes: 80’s videos, Japanese food, fake blood, Godzilla movies and playing hide and seek at midnight at the park

Hates: Club med vacations, diet soda, gyms, family reunions and vitamins




Victoria Creeper


Full Name: Victoria Creeper

Favourite Colour: Purple

Pets: I have no time for anyone but myself

Likes: Myself, my make-up, my clothes, my car (Lincoln Continental with the suicide doors), my band (which rocks!)

Hates: Anyone who needs, waking up before 2pm, cleaning, doing laundry, and living with others







Full Name: Abcynthia Chaser

Favourite Colour: Dark Black

Pets: Ferret named Wilma, Skunk – (de-fumed) named Felix, African frogs – Jezebel and Nathan. Brown recluse spider- Boo Radley

Likes: Mexican food, licking the backs of frogs, indoor pools, cocktail parties, black and white movies, Observatories, and billiards.

Hates: Thick ankles on women, station wagons, cereal without sugar, road trips, carpet, and men who wear sweat pants





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